Heaven or Hell?
After an admission of Guilt…
- If God finds you guilty on judgement day – where do you think He will send a guilty criminal? – Heaven or hell?
Now ask these questions before moving on…
- If the Bible is true and you died today. Does it concern you that you are headed for Hell?
At this point, if they readily admit they are destined for Hell and they are concerned, then their heart has been prepared, and you can go on to proclaim the Gospel… God’s amazing grace.
Before showing them this page ask…
- Do you know what God did so YOU don’t have to go to Hell?
At this point in your presentation it is vitally important that you show that you really do care about them and what could happen to them. Please remember their Eternal Destination is at stake! If they can’t see that you care, neither will they.
Turn to the next page
(If this doesn’t concern them it’s probably because they have not been convicted of their sin and it will be much harder as you continue. Or they may just think they will go to heaven anyway. Please pray and then go to #2)
What to do if they are Not Concerned About Going To Hell
NB: If they have answered Heaven, or it doesn’t concern them, remind them…
‘I’ve got some bad news for you. From what you’ve told me you are not going to end up where you want to’.
Now ask these two questions again before moving on…
- ‘If’ the bible is true and you died today. Does it concern you that you are headed for Hell? (You should be able to get them to at least admit that ‘if’ it’s true they would be concerned’. Their hearts should now be prepared enough for you to proclaim the Gospel…)
Before turning the page ask…
- Do you know what God did so YOU don’t have to go to Hell?
(At this point in your presentation it is vitally important that you show that you really do care about them and what could happen to them.)
Please remember their Eternal Destination is at stake!
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