The Courtroom – Judgement
God’s Coming Judgement Day
(NB: The word ‘IF’ is used to take the argument out. Remember, we are trying to appeal to their conscience, not their intellect, and using the word ‘IF’ takes out the argument and allows their conscience to work. At this point, you will begin to see the work of the Holy Spirit convicting them of their sinful condition and God’s Holiness, and the judgement to come).
- Have you kept the commandments? (Wait for their answer. If they say no, agree that you have not either. However if they say yes, remind them of their confession.
From what you’ve told me you are a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer in deed or at heart. (Whichever they have admitted too)
If you were to die tonight, and if there was a God who was to judge you according to the standard of the 10 Commandments, and you stood before Him in His courtroom. Do you think He would find you innocent or guilty?
(NB: Remember, we only have to have broken one of the 10 commandments to be found guilty. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. – James 2:10)
The First of the Ten Commandments
We have established that you would be found guilty of breaking His commandments, just like the rest of us. Even if you were able to perfectly keep nine of the commandments for your entire life — you have broken the first commandment.
The First of the Ten Commandments says, “You shall have no other gods before me.” That means that we should love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength, all of our lives. The Bible tells us that no one has kept this commandment (see Psalm 14:2-3).
- Please don’t be discouraged. I urge you to be patient and to continue on. My straightforwardness is motivated by a genuine concern for your soul.
While it may seem that God’s goodness will cause Him to overlook your sins, the opposite is actually true. Perhaps the following illustration will add some clarity:
Imagine you’re standing before a judge, guilty of multiple serious crimes. The judge is about to pass sentence when he asks, “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” You stand up, look the judge in the eye and say, “Yes your Honour, I believe that you’re a good man… and because you’re good, and I’m normally a good guy/girl, you should let me go”.
The judge will probably say something like, “Well, you’re right about one thing… I am a good man. And it’s because I am good that I’m going to see that you are punished for your crimes.”
The very thing you are counting on to save you on the Day of Judgement — namely God’s goodness — is going to be the very thing that will see to it that justice is done. Because God is so good, He will make sure that every murderer, rapist, and thief receives justice… but He won’t stop there.
He will also make sure every liar, blasphemer, and adultery is punished. While this is something that is extremely tragic and far from God’s ultimate desire for any person, the Bible is clear that the place of punishment for those who do not turn from their sins is Hell.
- So on judgement day, would God find you innocent or guilty? (Wait for a plea of GUILTY! Before showing them the next page…). It is very difficult to continue from here without a guilty plea. It means they are full of self-righteousness. You may need to spend some more time with them till the Holy Spirit convicts them.
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