No Picture
Outreach Training

The Divine Perspective: Why Christians Should Focus on God’s Judgements Over Satan’s Deceptions

Introduction: A Post Tribulation Perspective When thinking about the end times, Christians often worry about how Satan deceives people. However, it’s more important to understand the judgements God sends to an unbelieving world. This perspective […]


The 3 tenses of salvation
Outreach Training

The Three Tenses in the word Salvation: Past, Present & Future

Salvation is a fundamental concept in Christianity, and it is essential to understand its various aspects. The Bible teaches that salvation is not only a past event but also a present and future reality. In this article, we will explore the three tenses of salvation, highlighting the differences between being saved from the penalty of Adam’s sin, being saved from the power of sin, and being saved from the presence of sin.

Past Salvation: Spirit, Justification, and Eternal Life

The past tense of salvation refers to the moment when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. At that instant, our spirit was reborn, and we were justified before God (John 3:6-8, Romans 3:24-25). This act of justification freed us from the penalty of Adam’s sin, which had separated us from God (Romans 5:12-19). Our spirit was saved forever, and we received eternal life (John 3:16, 1 John 5:11-13). […]


The Photographers
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The Photographers

Welcome to “The Photographers”: Your Vision, Our Lens

Capturing the essence of moments, “The Photographers” is your dedicated partner in transforming ordinary instances into timeless memories. Our professional photography services go beyond the ordinary, offering a diverse range that caters to every aspect of life’s beautiful tapestry. […]


Empowering Women in Ministry

Women in Ministry?

The body of Christ is built on the foundation of apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20). The fivefold ministry gifts – apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers – are essential to equipping the church for ministry and promoting unity and maturity among believers (Ephesians 4:11-13). Despite this, some still argue that women are excluded from these roles. This article seeks to promote women in ministry, highlighting their contributions in the New Testament and debunking the theology that restricts their calling. […]


Young Earth

A Scientific Case for a Young Earth: Exploring the Possibility of Intelligent Design

The conclusions drawn from the evidence depend on the assumptions and premises used to interpret that evidence. If one starts with the premise of a young Earth (6,000 years old), the same evidence would be interpreted differently, and could be seen as supporting a young Earth. […]


KJV-Only Cult

The KJV-Only Movement: Myths, Misconceptions, and Biblical Truth

The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible has been a respected translation for centuries. However, the KJV-Only movement takes this respect to an extreme, asserting that the KJV is the only true and valid English translation of the Bible. This belief distorts the history of the Bible’s translation and places the KJV on a pedestal that even the original translators would likely reject. In doing so, the movement can inadvertently shift the focus from Jesus Christ, the true Word of God, to a particular Bible translation. […]


Roman Catholic Cult

Exposing the False Teachings of the Roman Catholic Religion

The Roman Catholic Religion has many teachings that differ from what the Bible reveals about Jesus and the gospel. This article will show how their teachings are false, list doctrines that contradict the Bible, and expose their errors. […]


SDA Cult

Exposing the False Teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Cult

The Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church has teachings that differ significantly from what the Bible reveals about Jesus and the gospel. This article will show how their teachings are false, list doctrines that contradict the Bible, and expose their founder, Ellen G. White, as a false prophet. […]


The JW Cult

Exposing the False Teachings of the Jehovah’s Witness Cult

Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs) have many beliefs that differ significantly from what the Bible teaches. It is important to understand these differences because the Jesus they preach is not the Jesus revealed in the Bible, and the gospel they teach is not the gospel the Apostles preached. According to the Bible, this means they are under God’s curse. […]