Street Evangelism
Church Directory


Welcome to the Reach NZ Evangelism Network Gallery! Here, we invite you to embark on a visual journey that captures the essence of our vibrant and passionate community dedicated to spreading the message of hope, […]
Evangelism Scripts Business Card Tracks

If you would like the Bible in 11 business cards printed, please contact us and we will send you the templates to have them printed by Vista Print NZ, or your favorate printer. We can personalise them with your contact details. Or you can have one side with the Bible in 11, and your business card on the otherside. […]

Reach NZ Flip-Charts
Evangelism Scripts

‘What People Believe Survey’

(You can copy this page and paste it into a Word Document or PDF and make any changes you need. (Then print it out)

This street survey has been developed for door to door knocking, public events or just up town.

The survey simply asks 5 questions that will hopefully lead you to an opportunity to share the gospel with those who are willing to do the survey.

You go through the questions as quickly as you can, taking note of their answers, which may help you understand where they are at with God.

The key to good communication is to ask lots of questions to engage them. So listen to their answers, but you don’t need to challenge them on their answers. […]

Good Person Test
Evangelism Scripts

The Good Person Test Script

Advanced Flipchart Training Script Personalized presentation by Kevin Piper We Are Ambassadors for Christ Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled […]