Business Card Tracts
If you would like the Bible in 11 business cards printed, please contact us and we will send you the templates to have them printed by Vista Print NZ, or your favorate printer.
We can personalise them with your contact details. Or you can have one side with the Biblein11, and your business card on the otherside.
(see page 2 for online biblein11 script)
Business Card Bible-in-11 Templates
You can use the ‘Two Right Answers’ script on the card in a conversation, then give them a personalised Buisiness Card to take with them to scan onto their mobile or laptop, to watch in private. And remind them your contact details are on the back of the card should they want to talk further.
This card can be personalized with your contact details or your Church, similar to the following samples. You can have the first two samples on one card. Or you can have either one on the back of your own personal business card.
We can personalise your card with your contact details and email you the templates for the front and back.
If you have a buisness card we can personalize the first sample and you can have it printed on the back of your own business card in black and white if you want. We recommend VistaPrint NZ to have them printed. You can have it printed in colour or Black and white.
Please contact us if you would like us to send you the personalized templates. You will need to provide us with the details you want on the card.

This is a free service. However we would greatfully receive a donation for any amount. Please contact us for details.
(Next Page 2)