The Good Person Test Script

Good Person Test
Good Person Test

Question Two A – Do Not Commit Idolatry (Optional)

God says… do not make idols or any likeness of any kind and worship them.

(4 “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.5 You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me. Ex 20:4-5).

  1. Have you ever prayed to a saint, an image, including any image you have created in your mind that is not the true God of the bible? Called a man (who is not your earthly father) Father, for God alone is your Father. Even a god you have created in your mind not to believe in, who you can hate?

What don’t we understand about the word NOT?

Imagine if you as parents go home today and find your children (you could pick someone out and use them as an example) making a carved image of you that clearly wasn’t you, but in fact was something very offensive to you. They stopped talking to you or even acknowledging you exist, but treated this offensive image as though it was you. Wouldn’t you be very angry? Wouldn’t you be disgusted and INSULTED? You’d say to your children, I’m your mom/dad, what do you need these useless things for? They can’t see you, hear you, answer you, or do anything for you? (Once they agree with you). Then say… Well that’s exactly how God feels when you worship other gods, other idols instead of ONLY Him. He created you to know and love Him.Have you ever created an image of God to suit yourself or your religion?

  1. If God exists and you have done this, do you think you would have offended God? (Wait for their answer) Yes.
  2. If you have done this, what does it make you? (Wait for their confession) An idolater (You may need to help them with their answer)

In the bible the word ‘DESTROY’ is recorded 148 times in conjunction with idols. God says ‘He will DESTROY all those who make, worship and serve them’.

  1. So that would make you a lying thief, and an idolater, right? (It would make me one to)

NB: It can help if you agree with them that you have had the same problem in the past. Once you get them to confess, go to the next page.

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Reach NZ Evangelism Network, a dynamic platform committed to spreading the transformative message of the Gospel throughout New Zealand. At Reach NZ, our mission is clear: we exist to preach the gospel wherever people are and to equip God’s people for evangelism. As a non-profit organisation, we are dedicated to networking with other evangelists, evangelism organisations, and resources to empower churches and individuals for impactful outreach in their communities.


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  2. Thank you Ampersand. Did you understand the two things you need to do to get right with God? Have you done them?

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