Reach NZ-TV
The following videos will help you to understand and proclaim the gospel to the whomsoever. If you have any videos you’d like us to post here please contact us and send the link for consideration. […]
The following videos will help you to understand and proclaim the gospel to the whomsoever. If you have any videos you’d like us to post here please contact us and send the link for consideration. […]
If you would like the Bible in 11 business cards printed, please contact us and we will send you the templates to have them printed by Vista Print NZ, or your favorate printer. We can personalise them with your contact details. Or you can have one side with the Bible in 11, and your business card on the otherside. […]
n the intricate tapestry of Christian ministry, the evangelist emerges as a vital thread, weaving together the mission of equipping the saints to proclaim the most powerful message in the world—the Gospel of everlasting life. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, this divine message holds a transformative power, capable of converting even the darkest heart into a new creation in Christ. As we delve into the essence of the evangelist’s ministry, we find inspiration in Mark 16:20, where God confirms this Gospel with signs. […]
One of the responsibilities of every Christian is to share the love of God. We are given the task of being ambassadors for Christ. An ambassador for a country has a very important role-delivering messages from the home country that he or she represents- to the country he or she is residing in. Likewise, we have a very important role- bringing messages from Heaven (our home country) to people we meet on earth. How do we do this? Everyone will be a little different. It will depend on a few things: our giftings, our personality, who the person is that we arespeaking with is, and how the conversation develops. Plus it will depend on how the Spirit of God guides us. More than anything I advise that you ask Him to guide you and ask for wisdom on what to say – and what questions to ask. He will guide our conversations when we ask. After-all, He is very interested in reaching out to others. The role of ambassador for a country is a high and honourable one. The role of ambassador for God is the highest and most honourable role anyone on earth can have. He has given us the amazing privilege of working alongside Him to accomplish His healing and redemptive purposes on earth. […]
Gospel Outreach NZ The ministry of Gospel Outreach NZ exists to equip and encourage God’s people to communicate the Gospel message. We have produced a wide range of outreach resources and offer training in how […]
OAC runs a national School of Evangelism every two years. This is a three-week course in February and covers a variety of topics pertinent to evangelism. This course is followed by three- weekend block courses run throughout the year. For more info click here […]
Imagine a church where every single Christian is a perfect representative of Jesus and functions in beautiful unity to reveal Christ to the world around them. That’s the purpose of fivefold ministry! […]
Malicious Gossip is the worst sin in today’s Church. This sin incurs the wrath of God upon all those who practice it. It also affects all those who listen to it and don’t shut it down. Those who practice this heinous sin will encre death. God will eventually give them over to a depraved mind. […]
When we present the gospel it is important to have a good understanding of the ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’ so as to be able to present a clear message of God’s salvation to the lost. It will not only impact on the way we share the good news but will also be of great encouragement and strength in our personal walk with the Lord […]
(You can copy this page and paste it into a Word Document or PDF and make any changes you need. (Then print it out)
This street survey has been developed for door to door knocking, public events or just up town.
The survey simply asks 5 questions that will hopefully lead you to an opportunity to share the gospel with those who are willing to do the survey.
You go through the questions as quickly as you can, taking note of their answers, which may help you understand where they are at with God.
The key to good communication is to ask lots of questions to engage them. So listen to their answers, but you don’t need to challenge them on their answers. […]
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