The Sin of Gossip

The Sin of Gossip

Malicious Gossip is the worst sin in today’s Church. This sin incurs the wrath of God upon all those who practice it. It also affects all those who listen to it and don’t shut it down. Those who practice this heinous sin will encre death. God will eventually give them over to a depraved mind.   […]

The Road To Evangelism

How The Gospel Changes The Heart

When we present the gospel it is important to have a good understanding of the ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’ so as to be able to present a clear message of God’s salvation to the lost. It will not only impact on the way we share the good news but will also be of great encouragement and strength in our personal walk with the Lord […]

Making Disciples

Followers vs. Disciples

THE TWO CALLS: Followers vs. Disciples Why doing discipleship courses won’t necessarily produce true disciples! We don’t become a disciple the moment we are saved. The Father calls a sinner to become a follower. Then […]