THE TWO CALLS: Followers vs. Disciples

Why doing discipleship courses won’t necessarily produce true disciples!
We don’t become a disciple the moment we are saved. The Father calls a sinner to become a follower. Then the Son calls the follower to become His disciple. For He who has an ear to hear.
The Divine Dialogues: The Call to Follow and Disciple
In the grand tapestry of salvation, the divine dialogues between the Father and humanity weave a narrative of redemption. The process involves two distinct callings: the call of the Father to become a follower of Christ and the subsequent call of Christ to become His disciple. Let’s explore these sacred conversations, each playing a unique role in the believer’s journey of faith.
1. The Father’s Call: Drawing Sinners to Christ (John 10:27-30; John 6:43-45)
The symphony of salvation begins with the tender voice of the Father, drawing sinners into the embrace of His grace. John 10:27-30 portrays the intimate connection between the Shepherd and His sheep, emphasizing the security and eternal life offered to those who respond to His call.
John 10:27-30 NASB: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish.”
John 6:43-45 further reveals this divine initiative, clarifying that no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws them. The call of the Father is an invitation to salvation, beckoning sinners to become followers of Christ.
John 6:43-45 NASB: “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.”
2. Answering the Father’s Call: Becoming Followers of Christ
As the Father’s voice resonates in the hearts of sinners, a pivotal choice emerges—to respond and become followers of Christ. The act of following involves surrendering to Jesus as Lord and Savior, embracing the promise of eternal life offered through His redemptive work. This response to the Father’s call initiates the believer’s journey, transitioning from a state of lostness to becoming a follower of Christ.
3. The Call of Christ: From Follower to Disciple (Luke 14:26)
While following Christ marks a profound step, the journey doesn’t conclude there. The divine dialogue continues as Christ extends a distinct call to His followers—a call to discipleship. Luke 14:26 paints a vivid picture of the radical commitment required to be His disciple, emphasizing a love for Him that surpasses all other allegiances.
Luke 14:26 NASB: “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.”
4. Answering Christ’s Call: Embracing Discipleship
Answering the call to discipleship involves a deeper level of commitment, a willingness to prioritize Christ above all else. Discipleship is characterized by learning from Christ, actively participating in His transformative work, and adhering to His teachings. It is a journey marked by intentional growth, guided by the voice of the Master.
Conclusion: The Symphony of Salvation

In the symphony of salvation, the divine dialogues between the Father and humanity orchestrate a melody of redemption. The call to become a follower of Christ initiates the journey, while the subsequent call to discipleship represents a deeper, intentional commitment. Both calls play harmoniously, guiding believers toward a transformative and lifelong pursuit of intimacy with the Triune God.
May we, as recipients of these divine calls, respond with open hearts, embracing the richness of both the Father’s call to follow and Christ’s call to disciple. In this sacred dialogue, we find the melody of grace that leads us ever closer to the heart of our Creator and Redeemer.