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Bible-in-11 Online Script

Copy and Paste this Script into your Online Message.

This is a sample of what you can send to get you started. However we encourage you to personalize it to suit yourself.

If you are up for it, this could lead you into a spiritual conversation, sharing the MOST POWERFUL message in the world with a sinner who is in desperate need of a Savior.

Please remember, we need to communicate God’s plan of salvation. Not just preach at people. Communication is the name of the game. 

Please copy and paste this into a Word Document and save it on your computer, so you can copy and paste it into a Facebook message, email or any other online messager, or Skype etc, whenever needed. 

Copy and Paste this Script into your Online Message.

This is a sample of what you can send to get you started. However we encourage you to personalize it to suit yourself.

If you are up for it, this could lead you into a spiritual conversation, sharing the MOST POWERFUL message in the world with a sinner who is in desperate need of a Savior.

Please remember, we need to communicate God's plan of salvation. Not just preach at people. Communication is the name of the game. 

Please copy and paste this into a Word Document and save it on your computer, so you can copy and paste it into a Facebook message, email or any other online messenger, or Skype etc, whenever needed.

Copy & Paste The Following Script 

Hi (their name). Have you seen this website

Its an 11 minute video that will give you the Two Right Answers you will need to get you into heaven when you die (so you can avoid Hell and know God on earth and into eternity).

Did you know that 10 out of every 10 people are going to die eventually? Is that true? 

In fact 150,000 people will die in the next 24 hours, and most of them would have had no idea it was going to be their last day on earth.

The Two Right Answers

f you were to die tonight (God forbid), and much to your surprise you stood at the Pearly Gates, and Jesus said to you.... ‘Give me two reasons why I should let you into heaven?’ 

What two answers would you give Him?

You may answer, I have always given money to the poor and helped little old ladies cross the road. 

I have always tried to do good in life and help people

I try not to lie, steal or cheat

I am a good person and have spent my life helping people!

I believe in God and always try to keep the 10 commandments

These are all good answers, but unfortunately you will most probably go DOWN for answers like these. 

Please take the time to watch this 11 minute video which clearly shows you what the two right answers are. Your life depends on it. 

The graphics are amazing & it could literally save your life. It will only take you 11 minutes. Once you have sent

God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

If you were to die tonight (God forbid), and much to your surprise you stood at the Pearly Gates, and Jesus said to you…. ‘Give me two reasons why I should let you into heaven?’ 

What two answers would you give Him?

  • You may answer, I have always given money to the poor and helped little old ladies cross the road.
  • I have always tried to do good in life and help people
  • I try not to lie, steal or cheat
  • I am a good person and have spent my life helping people!
  • I believe in God and always try to keep the 10 commandments

These are all good answers, but unfortunately you will most probably go DOWN for answers like these.

Please take the time to watch this 11 minute video which clearly shows you what the two right answers are. Your life depends on it. 

The graphics are amazing & it could literally save your life. It will only take you 11 minutes. Once you have sent

God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

  • Yours in His Grace,
  • Kevin Piper
  • National Coordinator
  • Reach NZ – Evangelism Training & Outreach Network
  • ‘Seeking & Saving the Lost, and Equipping Disciples to do the same’

The Harvest is Plentiful, John 4:35-38… lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.

About admin 78 Articles
Reach NZ Evangelism Network, a dynamic platform committed to spreading the transformative message of the Gospel throughout New Zealand. At Reach NZ, our mission is clear: we exist to preach the gospel wherever people are and to equip God’s people for evangelism. As a non-profit organisation, we are dedicated to networking with other evangelists, evangelism organisations, and resources to empower churches and individuals for impactful outreach in their communities.