Christchurch Earthquake

Christchurch Earthquake 2011

Prophecy – February 22, 2011 

by Kevin Piper

About half an hour or so before the 2nd Christchurch earthquake, while I was driving from Napier to Wairoa to do an outreach at the Wairoa College. God showed me an open vision, and I saw a picture of a gaint hand of a father frantically waking up his sleeping child during an emergency. It looked like a nuclear bomb had gone off. Then God told me there was great distruction coming and He is going to WAKE THE SLEEPING GIANT (the Church). 

When as I shared this with my friend Ray Aires just before we went to the outreach, the Lord gave me a prophetic word. He said He hadn’t finished with Christchurch yet, because his Church had refused to hear His voice and repent from its lukewarm compromising condition, and unite so that He could command His blessing, He was going to shake it out of its slumber to protect it from great distruction. As I shared this I could see in my mind a city that had been completely destroyed. 

To be honest, at the time I didn’t understand what this meant, but 20 minutes later, while we were at our outreach, an earthquake hit Christchurch and flattened it. 

When we returned from the outreach, I turned the TV on to see the news, and saw what I’d seen my vision on the news, Christchurch was flattened. I wept for hours in prayer. I was in shock. This is the only time I have ever experienced anything like this. 

God is going to shake His Church to wake it up from its slumber, before great distruction comes upon the earth. He who hears His voice, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to His Church. 

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