OTC Network is an Evangelism Home Church Planting System
The buried treasure of equipping existing churches with evangelism/discipleship tools, like One Thousand Church Network (OTC), is that we may wake the sleeping giant.
Every community has an endowment of thousands of believers who, if they have read the New Testament, probably want their church to look more like the book of Acts. People given tools to share the gospel and make disciples for the first time are thrilled to go and do it. The common practice of attracting people to a building for a large meeting, rather than seeking people far from God where they are, impedes the Western church (and many others around the world) from becoming a Church-Planting Movement (CPM).
But the New Zealand church is a luxury liner making full steam on a course plotted with full financial backing and a wealth of tradition. Notwithstanding an iceberg-type crisis, why worry? Bill Bright said that only about 2% of Evangelicals regularly share their faith, and Alan Hirsch says that 60% say they would never go to any church, but these facts have not broken the hearts or changed the tactics of enough New Zealand Christians.
We normally focus on growing the church, not primarily on reaching the lost or transforming communities. Somehow we believe that Sunday church attendance will make disciples and transform lives, and we are half-convinced that true loving community can be rooted in a one-hour meeting of 50 to 10,000 people. It seems that we have confidence in the ministries and gifts of our staff, but not of those in our congregations. Even small-group discipleship meetings tend to funnel back towards the aims of the mother churches, which generally follow the expectations above.
We need to stop measuring our success by conversions, baptisms, and especially weekly attendance. Instead we should measure success by tracking multiple generations of believers whose lives are transformed by the gospel, and who are committed to change their communities in Jesus’ name.
Can CPM’s change the heading of the New Zealand church?
OTC NETWORK Church Planting System
OTC Network is a progressive, informal church plant where it is common to see a man in a suit next to a guy with tattoos all the way up his arms. But Element has committed to start 1000 simple church plants in homes of lost people. Since adopting OTC-based CPM methods, they have begun 17 groups in homes, and at least 5 of them have reproduced other groups. These groups have led 17 new believers to Christ, and baptised 14 of them in homes.
The Mission starts by connecting with unbelievers by door knocking or street witnessing, and inviting them to start a home church in their homes.
We start by making sure they understand the Gospel
- The Story Of Zacchaeus – Luke 19.1-10
- The Story Of The Priest And The Sinner – Luke 18.9-14
- The Story Of Jesus Calming The Storm – Mark 4.35-41
- The Story Of The Jesus Dying To Forgive – Mark 15.1-47
- The Story Of Jesus’ Resurrection & Great Commission – Matthew 22.37-40 – 28.18-20
- The Story Of A Spiritual Family – Acts 2.37-47.
- The Story Of What Soil will You Be? – Mark 4.1-20.
Stories of Hope 1: Zaccheus
First Third – Look Back:
- Member Care: Spend the first 10 minutes in fellowship. (Give introductions if this is your first meeting)
- Worship and Prayer
- Loving Accountability (Skip this part this week)
- Vision Casting: (2 minutes) Read the verse below and speak either on the verse as a whole or two or three keywords. “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” Acts 16:31
Second Third-Look Up:
New Lesson: Tell and read the story about Zacchaeus from Luke 19.1-10.
- Head: What did you learn about God/Jesus? What did you learn about people?
- Heart: How do you think the characters in the story feel? How does this story make you feel?
- Hands: Was there a sin to avoid, promise to claim, example to follow, or a command to obey? Who do you know that needs to hear this story? Share the story with someone this week.)
Ask this question of the church: “Are you willing to turn from your selfish ways and receive Jesus’ forgiveness and make Him your King?”
Final Third – Look Ahead:
- Practice: Practice telling the story.
- Goal Setting and Prayer.
- Following: What does God want you to do in obedience to Him from the story?
- Fishing: Start sharing the story with the people on your relational network map.