Eternal Security vs. Saved & Lost Doctrines

Is Eternal Security Biblical
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Can A Believer Become A Lost Sinner, Then Get Born Again, Again? Or are believers Eternally Secure in Christ? Before we lay out the two doctrines, we must first look at the foundations of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. The purpose of this teaching is not to tell you which view you should believe. But to give you a balanced view of both, so you can draw your own conclusion.

Keep In Mind God’s Promises

Hebrews 7:23-27 NASB
[23] The former priests, on the one hand, existed in greater numbers because they were prevented by death from continuing; [24] Jesus, on the other hand, because He continues forever, holds His priesthood permanently. 
[25] Therefore He is also able to save forever those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. 
[26] For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens; [27] who has no daily need, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because He did this once for all time when He offered up Himself.
Hebrews 7:23-27 NASB

Navigating Theological Waters: Once Saved Always Saved vs. Saved & Lost Doctrines


In the tapestry of Christian doctrine, few threads weave a more intricate pattern than the question of eternal security. At the heart of this theological discourse stand two distinct viewpoints that have sparked debates, stirred passions, and shaped the beliefs of countless believers: the Once Saved Always Saved doctrine and the Saved & Lost doctrine.

The Once Saved Always Saved doctrine asserts an unwavering confidence in the eternal security of those who have tasted the grace of salvation. Advocates of this perspective argue that once a person is genuinely saved, they are secured for eternity, immune to the possibility of losing the precious gift of eternal life.

Contrastingly, the Saved & Lost doctrine introduces a nuanced perspective, contending that while genuine believers can experience the transformative power of salvation, there remains a potential for loss under certain circumstances. Proponents of this view suggest that apostasy—falling away from the faith—is a conceivable reality for those who once walked in the light.

This article embarks on a journey through these theological landscapes, aiming to shed light on the foundations, scriptural interpretations, and theological nuances that distinguish these two perspectives. As we navigate these theological waters, our purpose is not to declare a victor in the debate but to foster understanding, encouraging thoughtful reflection on the profound mysteries that surround the concept of eternal security. Join us in this exploration as we navigate the currents of belief that shape our understanding of salvation and its enduring nature.

Can a True Believer Become Lost, Then be Saved again? Or are we Eternally Secure?

According to biblical theology, can a true Believer become Lost, then be Saved again? Or are we Eternally Secure in Christ? There are two views on this subject. In this article, we are going to examine both views, starting with Eternal Security.

Biblical theology includes a range of perspectives on the topic of whether a true believer can become lost and then saved again. Different Christian denominations and theological traditions interpret certain biblical passages differently, resulting in varying beliefs about the perseverance of the saints or the possibility of falling away from the faith.

  1. Perseverance of the Saints (Eternal Security): Many theological traditions, hold to the belief in the perseverance of the saints. They argue that once a person is genuinely saved and has a true faith in Christ, they will be preserved by God and cannot ultimately lose their salvation. This perspective is often based on verses like John 10:28-29, where Jesus says, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”
  2. Conditional Security (Arminianism): In contrast to the Eternal Security view, some theological traditions, often associated with Arminianism, teach conditional security. They believe that it is possible for a true believer to turn away from their faith and, as a result, lose their salvation. However, it is also believed that if they repent and return to faith, they can be saved again. This perspective is based on passages like Hebrews 6:4-6, which speaks of those who “have fallen away.”
  3. Middle Ground Views: Some theological traditions take a middle ground approach. They argue that while it is theoretically possible for a true believer to turn away from their faith, it is unlikely to happen if one is genuinely saved. This views often emphasise the importance of persevering in faith and emphasise God’s role in preserving believers. They believe in order to become lost again, you would have to deny the God of the bible exists and turn to another god, or no god at all.

It’s important to note that discussions about this topic have been ongoing for centuries, and there are numerous theological arguments on both sides. Ultimately, the belief in the possibility of a true believer becoming lost and then saved again or the belief in the eternal security of the believer often reflects one’s theological and denominational background. It’s a topic that continues to be a subject of theological debate amongst Christians. It is also important to keep in mind that these views are not essential doctrines for salvation.

If you are interested in understanding your specific denomination’s or church’s stance on this issue, it’s advisable to consult with your pastor, theologian, or religious authorities, as they can provide guidance in line with your particular faith tradition’s teachings. Then we encourage you to seek God, then make your own decision with Him.

It is important that we decide for ourselves which view we believe is the truth, as this will effect how we interpret the scriptures, and will shape our faith.

We are going to examine the two main views. Eternal Security and Saved and lost doctrines. Each view is written by someone who believes in the view they are writing about, without commenting on what they believe the other view is about. The purpose of this post is to allow the reader to draw their own conclusions according to their conscience.

Context is King

  • Please keep in mind, context is the key to understanding.
  • It is also important to note that there are many scriptures that both sides of these views can agree on.

(Next Page 2: Foundation of Salvation)

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