Grace Church Gisborne
Church Directory

Grace Church Gisborne

Stepping into a church for the first time can take a bit of courage, but we’re here to help. Dress as formal or informal as you like – wear what’s comfortable. If you are a parent or caregiver with babies or toddlers, we welcome you.

Having children included during the service is a normal part of church life for us, but there is a creche room available should the need arise.

The people are pretty relaxed, easy going, and our Sunday services are structured. This helps all of us to worship well. Here’s what a typical service looks like: […]

New Covenant Israel

New Covenant Israel

The story of Israel begins with the twelve sons of Jacob, also known as Israel, whose descendants formed the foundation of the nation. These twelve patriarchs, born to Jacob and his wives Leah and Rachel, along with their handmaidens Bilhah and Zilpah, represent the twelve tribes of Israel. From this lineage emerged a people uniquely chosen by God to fulfil His purposes in the world. […]

Pentecost Dove

Authentic Pentecostal Church

The Birth of New Covenant Israel: Ratified in Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension

In understanding the birth of New Covenant Israel and the Pentecostal essence of the Church, we delve into the foundational truths revealed in Hebrews 8 and other Scriptures. This article aims to elucidate the significance of Christ’s resurrection and ascension in establishing the New Covenant and the role of the Holy Spirit in the birth and empowerment of the Church. […]