Welcome to Reach Gisborne Evangelism Network!

Reach Gisborne
We are a dynamic, non-profit platform dedicated to spreading the life-changing message of the Gospel throughout the Gisborne community. Our mission is simple: to preach the Gospel wherever people are and to equip God’s people for effective evangelism.

We are a dynamic, non-profit platform dedicated to spreading the life-changing message of the Gospel throughout the Gisborne community. Our mission is simple: to preach the Gospel wherever people are and to equip God’s people for effective evangelism.

At Reach Gisborne, we believe in the power of unity. We’re committed to working alongside every born-again church and individual believer in Gisborne. Whether you’re in the city, a remote town, or engaging online, our collective efforts make a lasting impact.

Why the Churches of Gisborne Must Unite to Reach This Generation with the Gospel

In these last days, the urgency to reach the lost with the Gospel has never been greater. The world is spiralling into darkness, and people are searching for hope, truth, and salvation. We, the Church of Jesus Christ in Gisborne, have been entrusted with the most powerful message in existence—the Gospel, the only message capable of transforming sinners into new creations in Christ.

A Call to Unity

The enemy seeks to divide, but Christ calls us to unity. Jesus prayed in John 17:21, “that they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.” Our unity as believers is a testimony to the world that Jesus is Lord. When we come together as one body, setting aside denominational differences and focusing on the mission Christ has given us, the lost will see His love in action and be drawn to salvation.

The Great Commission: Our Shared Mission

Jesus commanded His followers in Matthew 28:19-20 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you.” mandate.

This commission was not given to a single congregation but to the entire Church. Every believer, every pastor, and every church in Gisborne has a role in proclaiming the Gospel. We must not shrink back or let differences hinder us from working together to fulfil this divine

Time is Short: The Urgency of the Hour

The signs of the times are clear. As prophesied in Scripture, the world is moving toward the final days before Christ’s return. The Gospel must be preached to all nations, and then the end will come (Matthew 24:14).

Those who reject Christ will face His righteous judgment, as He pours out His wrath on an unbelieving world. But those who repent and turn to Him in faith will be saved, and Christ will establish His Millennial Kingdom of peace on earth for a thousand years.

The question we must ask ourselves is this: Are we doing everything we can to reach the lost while there is still time?

The Power of the Gospel

No other message on earth has the power to bring dead hearts to life, to break the chains of sin, and to offer eternal hope. Romans 1:16 declares, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”

This message is not just another religious philosophy—it is the very power of God to save souls from eternal separation from Him.

Let’s Work Together for the Harvest

Gisborne needs the Gospel. Our families, neighbours, and friends need Jesus. The Church cannot afford to remain divided, each working in isolation. Now is the time to unite, to stand together, and to boldly proclaim the truth. Together, we can reach this lost generation with the message of salvation.

Let us rise up as the body of Christ, unified in purpose and passion, and proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth—starting here in Gisborne. The time is now. The harvest is ready. Let’s reach the lost together before the King returns!

What We Do:

– Preach the Gospel:

We share the hope and salvation found in Jesus Christ, meeting individuals wherever they are.

– Equip God’s People:

Through training, resources, and collaboration, we empower believers to become confident ambassadors of the Gospel.

– Network for Impact:

By partnering with other disciples, evangelists organisations, and resource providers, we maximise our collective reach and effectiveness.

– Empower Local Churches:

Our mission is to work closely with Gisborne churches to train their members and facilitate outreach programs, building vibrant centres of evangelistic activity.

– Engage Through Music:

One of our primary tools for capturing the community’s attention is our street band. We use inspiring outreach songs to draw people in and spark conversations about faith. We also invite Christian musicians to join our team—whether by forming their own group, performing solo, or taking turns during our outreach events—to help create an inviting atmosphere.

Become a Prayer Partner

We recognise that not everyone can join our outreaches in person, but every member of the body of Christ can make a difference through the power of prayer. We invite you to become a prayer partner. Your prayers are essential not only in reaching the hearts of sinners with the Gospel message but also in protecting and strengthening those on the front line. Prayer is the lifeline that connects us to God’s power—it is through our prayers that we see God confirm the word preached with signs and miracles following. By uniting in prayer, we create a powerful shield of divine support that validates our message and propels our ministry forward.

Join us on this transformative journey as we unite in evangelism, empower local churches, and harness the power of music and prayer to impact our community. Let’s work together to share the love of Christ and make a lasting difference in Gisborne.

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