Welcome to the Reach NZ Evangelism Network support page! We’re excited to partner with you in our mission to spread the gospel throughout New Zealand. Here are some ways you can get involved and support our efforts:

Join Our Outreach Teams

Become a part of our dynamic outreach teams and help us share the message of hope and love with communities across New Zealand. Your involvement can make a real difference in people’s lives.

Prayer Support Team

Your prayers are essential to our mission. Join our prayer support team and lift up our outreach efforts, asking for boldness, protection, and open hearts to receive the gospel.


Your financial support enables us to purchase Bibles, Gospel tracts, and cover travel expenses for our outreach activities. Every contribution, big or small, helps us reach more people with the message of Jesus Christ.

Evangelism Training and Outreaches

If you need assistance with evangelism training or organising outreach events, we’re here to help. Our goal is to equip you with the tools and knowledge to effectively share the gospel.

Thank you for considering how you can support Reach NZ Evangelism Network. Together, we can make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God. Please explore the options below to get involved, and contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you for considering how you can support Reach NZ Evangelism Network. Together, we can make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God. Please explore the options below to get involved, and contact us if you have any questions.

Complete the form below with your intentions, and we will email you our bank details. Thank you for your support.


Complete the form below with your intentions, and we will email you our bank details. Thank you for your support.

Donations & Support
Thank you for considering Reach NZ Network. To get in touch with us, request more information, or make a donation. Please follow these simple steps to complete our Support Form: Fill out the required fields, which are typically marked with an asterisk (*) and include: If you have any issues with this contact form. Please do not hesitate to call Kevin on 0274 772-648. Physical Address: 1 Bryce St, Gisborne 4010 With heartfelt gratitude.
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Join Reach NZ (Multiple Choice)
Reach NZ Supporters. Please tick the category that interests you.
Thank You for Your Generous offer of Support Dear Supporter, On behalf of Reach NZ Network, I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous financial support. Your contribution is truly a beacon of hope that shines brightly in our mission to make a positive impact through love, faith, and compassion. We will email your our account number so you can set up a one off or regular payment through your bank. Please enter your surname as the bank Reference.
Multiple Choice
Please pray for God to show you if He wants you to financially support Reach NZ. Then enter the amount and tick the appropriate box.
Would you want your donation to be anonymous?
Please enter your comments or requests here.

Kevin Piper, Evangelist, Reach NZ Network

P.S. Together, we can light up New Zealand with love, hope, and faith. Join us and make a lasting impact today.